The EpiCenter approach
The EpiCenter is the leading academic research center dedicated exclusively to epilepsy research.
There are 65 million people worldwide who live with epilepsy, making it the fourth most common brain disorder and the most common in children. Over the last two decades, advances in neuroscience have given us new tools for detecting and treating brain diseases, such as epilepsy, that we could not even dream of only a few years ago. At UC Irvine, we are taking full advantage of this technical revolution as we devise new ways to understand, prevent and ultimately cure this devastating disorder.
Facts about epilepsy
1 in 10 people will have at least one seizure during their lifetime
For 1 in 3 people with epilepsy, seizures cannot be controlled with anti-seizure medication, devices or surgery
For 1 in 2 patients, the cause is unknown
Almost 500 new cases of epilepsy are diagnosed every day in the United States
People with epilepsy are often burdened with other conditions that occur alongside epilepsy, such as depression, anxiety, memory problems and cardiovascular disorders
Epilepsy resulting from an underlying genetic defect or traumatic brain injury are among the most difficult to treat
Re-defining epilepsy research
United by a common purpose, we are a collection of dedicated scientists, clinicians and students working across disciplines, across institutions and putting patients and their families at the center of our focus.
A key strength of the EpiCenter is its rich culture of collaboration and communication between disciplines. Interdisciplinary teams of scientists and clinicians work side-by-side to study the root causes of epilepsy and develop new treatments and cures — far exceeding the capacity of any single lab.
Located on the main health science campus of the UCI School of Medicine, the EpiCenter includes a “core network” of UCI investigators as well as an “extended network” of academic partners across the University of California, the world’s premier public research university system. All share our vision of ending the daily burden of unrelenting seizures and debilitating side effects of medication, with a distinct focus on healing the whole person.
By bringing together a wide array of backgrounds and perspectives, we maximize the impact of a diverse group of academic and non-academic partners and accelerate our pace toward a cure. Our target: the 25 million people who still have no remedy.
Our approach to disease modeling and discovery involves a modular platform that serves as a workflow that is both flexible and scalable. This allows us to strategically assemble teams of experts that maximizes scientific discovery and speeds the development of new therapies for patients. The EpiCenter’s research strengths are specifically in these four areas:
Molecular genetics
genomics —multi-omics
brain development
Integrative physiology
imaging the nervous system
synaptic plasticity
brain & body physiology
behavioral outcomes
Tools & technology
machine learning
molecular innovation
Precision therapy
drug discovery
gene therapy
cell therapy