The Training Program in Epilepsy Research (TERP) provides UCI graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and residents with comprehensive, highly interdisciplinary training in epilepsy research. Drs. Tallie Z. Baram and Robert Hunt are the program directors, and trainees are mentored by an outstanding faculty of neuroscientists and clinicians at the EpiCenter and in other laboratories at UCI, UCLA and UC Riverside. Our view of epilepsy as “a window into brain plasticity” promotes both basic and translational approaches to research on epilepsy and its cognitive and emotional co-morbidities. The T32 training experience is further enriched by program-specific courses, such as a biennial course for graduate students and postdocs (ANATOMY 215), workshops, career-development sessions, as well as seminars and symposia that draw a broad audience from across the neuroscience community at UCI and beyond.

Meet the T32 trainees

Julian Quintanilla, PhD
Postdoc, Gall/Lynch labs

Justin Yi
PhD Student, Ewell lab

Gerardo Sandoval
PhD Student, Diaz Alonso lab

Aby Flores
PhD Student, Lur lab

About the program

NIH Award Number


Grant Period

July 1, 2003 – Present

Participating Schools

UCI School of Biological Sciences
UCI School of Medicine
UC Riverside